Thursday, February 7, 2019

Cognitive Decision Making- Major Decision Making Factors

By Wanda Rosner

Making a decision is a strategy that is needed to be researched and implemented to be effective. The techniques and strategies that are to be implemented are needed to be understood, the loops and holes in a company's decision making process and even the decision makers. There are different factors that that affect how the decisions are made and it is very important that you know and understand how the process works.

Moreover, when you have better aware of your surroundings and have a good self-control, you are more likely to have a better control over your decisions. There are different things that play an important role in making decisions especially when a business is considered.

Past decisions and experience, the past decisions made in the past have a major influence in the decisions and choices that every business make in the future. Every time the business is able to profit from a decision or something good happens, the decision maker is more likely to keep taking decision in the same direction to benefit from its past experience. Likewise, the decision maker tends to move forward and avoid repeating its mistakes.

There are several benefits that the business process automation services offer, such as it helps you to understand if your staff members are doing the work efficiently and are focussed on doing what they are supposed to do, which shall lead to profitability. It is one of the most important benefits of the technology. There are several other benefits of using the BPA or the business process automation services that are helpful for the business in several ways.

The next thing that you need to keep in mind is that you are going to deal with different kinds of situations and each of them demands a different approach or different thinking. When you consider our brain, there are two different ways how our brain functions while making decisions, analytical system and intuitive system. Each of us have both of them, but then of course there are some that invest more time in the analytical system than others that are known to be more intuitive.

Lastly is the omission bias, which is the decision about omitting information that are risky and confirmation bias, which is observing what people expect in observations. The cognitive biases influence people by leading them to rely on the expected observations and past experience.

Lastly, we have the escalation of commitment and sunk outcomes that are unrecoverable costs. This type of decision maker makes their decision on illogical growth of commitment. For example, you may find people that spend too much time, money and effort into decisions that they feel they are committed to. Such people are often found to take risky decisions, every time they feel accountable for sunk costs and time. This type of decision making factor found in people is determined by how deep in the hole it is.

It is found that people who are not able to get rid of their emotions, they are unable to make even the simplest decisions, the feelings and emotions have a major impact in our decisions. You may often find team leaders expecting team members to make rational decisions are likely to have unrealistic expectations. Moreover, it is not very easy to remove emotions and make decisions.

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