Thursday, June 15, 2017

Tips To Choosing Digital Copiers Denver

By Dennis Thompson

There is a variety of copier machines offered in the market that people can access for different reasons. Some people buy them for business or personal use; this could be small or large scale use. With the different motivations to buy them, it is important to know the right Copiers Denver you are looking to purchase. The following factors should come in handy.

Requirements - First, determine the requirements of your business. If you are a large corporation and the use of your copier will be heavy, then you will require a heavy duty copier that has the capacity to produce large numbers of copies at a time and has the durability to do so. A copier used at home would not be the same one used at a publishing house.

New Machines Are Not Better Than Used ones. Beware the myth put forth by manufacturers that new is always better than used. Oftentimes used machines have capabilities that closely match newer versions, so don't be tricked into buying new when you can purchase perfectly serviceable used machines. Technology moves fast, but not as fast as the manufacturers would lead you to believe. Has paper and toner really changed that much in the last 15 years? Do you really need a new copier?

Service and Repair, Service contracts- Most copier service companies will not provide you an onsite service contract on an office club copier. This is because they don't sell them. Office club stores will normally offer extended warranties but coverage may not be complete. For example they might not cover the toner or they won't cover on-site service. I have had customers call me and tell me that they had to ship the machine off to have it repaired and that they didn't even get the same machine back afterward.

Color - If you require only a black and white copier, there is no point in investing in a color copier. Although, if you later want to upgrade to a color copier, it will make you pay at least 20-30% more than the black and white one. Network Card - A copier with a network card is a better solution if you require heavy usage. You can even install a printer mode along with the network card to make your copier a laser printer, thus allowing you to sit at your desk and make copies somewhere else.

One great rule of thumb is to calculate the replacement cost of your toner or ink cartridges, plus the costs of replacing the drum and any other essential supplies over a two to three year period and compare between manufacturers. There's also maintenance of the internals and wear-items. You will likely find that some models make more sense to purchase when you factor in the cost of maintenance!

Quality and Longevity- Quality of the copies being made has really improved over the years especially since the digital evolution. There really is not much difference in copy quality. I have seen personal copiers that have just as good resolution and copy quality as a very expensive business copier. But, when it comes to the quality of manufacturing, sturdiness and just plain quality of the equipment you can see a big difference.

Editing - Some copiers even come with editing facility. This means that you can even number your pages or add a watermark. You can even add dates to your documents and some copiers even allow you to rotate images. This means the copier recognizes the paper and restyles the content to fit the paper, thus reducing the loss of paper.

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