Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Repairing Grooves In Printing Press

By Shirley Wagner

Slug is a big problem in industries and factories nowadays. This is a snail like bug without shell. They usually destroy crops and vegetation. They also feed on manmade structures like machines resulting in malfunction as they spoil the metal and grooves of the parts. This can affect the production and also the cost to the company. Slug retention machine is the perfect tool for fixing screws for machines.

A snail and slug are similar species belonging to the gastropod family. A snail has a shell in which it can live. They can survive in both land and water. A slug is a land species without shell. There are semi slug which are snails which cannot retract into their homes. The slug destroys crops and vegetation.

There are bugs in agriculture that can do good or bad to the crops and the ecosystem. The insects that does harm to the crops are known as pests. Locusts, crickets, moths, slugs and snails are the ones causes damage to the vegetation. Other species like rabbit, rat, squirrels, beavers and vampire bats not only destroy the vegetation but also cause diseases to livestock like cows and buffalos causing problem to the ecosystem.

In order to solve the bug issue in agriculture there are chemicals that are sprayed on the crops to protect from fungal growth and insects. They kill the animals that feed on the plant. On the flipside these chemical are very dangerous if consumed by humans and other animals.

Household bugs cause diseases and destroys manmade structures. Pests like mosquitoes, cockroaches, fly and bed bugs spread illness by feeding on our body or food. The bugs like ants, termites and slugs feed on furniture, computer and other machines which cause it to malfunction. There are pest control teams which can do timely inspection and protect our home from insects.

Rust is a form of layer that forms on top of the metal when they come in contact with air or water. The metals that get affected are iron, silver, copper and brass. This is because of the oxygen content that reacts with the metal. Iron forms a red layer, silver turns black and copper becomes green.

The mass crop destruction causes loss of production. Also leads to loss of revenue which can cause the farmers to be hungry. The vegetation can get damaged for various reasons like insects or pests, animals and natural calamities like floods or drought. Lot of peasants commits suicide as they are unable to survive.

Insects and bugs causes lot of problems like destruction of crops or causing issues at home, however they are an integral part of the ecosystem. We cannot eradicate these species as it will break down the food chain and pose a threat for our own existence.

There are already lots of species extinct from the face of earth due to the actions of human beings. Our inventions and technology should be in a positive direction. Our priority should be to conserve natural resources and protect the species.

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